Your always-on professional learning community

Join Seminar, the national community dedicated exclusively to charter leaders, where we unite to share ideas, trade tools, and elevate our leadership.

Imagine if your charter school community, problem-solving forums, resource toolbox, and technical workshops all converged in a single, vibrant space.


Member Directory

Easily find and chat with other charter leaders at similar-sized orgs, within your region, and/or who perform a certain role.

Your People

Segmented spaces with others in similar roles or in your area - a place to solve problems and celebrate wins with folks who just get it.


Technical Workshops

Expert-led, interactive workshops accompanied by actionable templates - on a range of topics for you and your team.


Coming soon! Recorded, transcribed videos of the workshops so you can tune in when it works for you - or send your new team member for onboarding.

Save time


Turnkey technical resources - templates, examples, and reports - that you and your team can use to supercharge your work.


Data and insights about the most popular software out there - and info about new, vetted products that solve real needs.

Here’s what current members are saying about Seminar.

I've had the pleasure of being a part of one of the two pilot Seminar Communities and it has been truly excellent. The community is warm and caring, the resources are super practical, and the first workshop was fantastic! There are lots of wonderful leadership development programs out there, but Seminar is unique. It is incredibly practical and grounded in what organizational and system leaders DO on a daily basis, whether it is leading a meeting, crafting a multi-year strategic plan, or raising capital for a facility need. I'm truly loving the experience and could not recommend it highly enough for other systems leaders in the charter world!

— Dan Effland, Executive Director, Summit Public Schools

I am incredibly grateful for this space. I am loving the plentiful templates and resources that have already sparked thinking and saved my team and I time - thank you! Additionally, being a part of Seminar has helped me be more disciplined about codifying protocols real-time. Such a perfectly timed and valuable community.

— Elizabeth Choi, COO, Envision Education

Excited for the tools themselves and the ability to connect with other leaders.

— Amy Kiyota, CEO, Impact Public Schools

Pretty amazing! The more we contribute and ask questions, the more helpful and useful this will be.

— Leslie Hernandez, Associate of Special Projects, Ednovate Charter Schools